At the Cross

Rediscovering JOY and Faith Amidst Struggles


Prayer Request? Suggestions? Hit us up

Have you ever found yourself drowning in negativity, struggling to see the light during tough times? Join Nicole as she shares her journey of finding joy amidst life's difficulties, drawing strength from Philippians 2 and the enduring love of God. Through a heartfelt personal story, Nicole reflects on her own struggles with pain and disappointment, revealing how doubt often sneaks in. She speaks on the power of being unified in love and spirit to rise above these challenges, encouraging us to reconnect with the simplicity and purity of a child's understanding of divine love. This episode invites you to shift your focus, rediscovering the joy and forgiveness that God offers, even when we falter.

Our exploration doesn't stop there. Nicole passionately urges us to embrace our role as a beacon of hope in a world that often seeks to silence belief. By reconnecting with our inner child, she encourages a bold revival of faith, turning our gaze to God's promises and acknowledging Him as the Alpha and the Omega. With an unwavering conviction, Nicole invites you to join her on this prayerful journey, inspiring us to stand up, speak out, and make a difference. Together, we can illuminate the darkness, touching hearts and bringing glory to God in a world yearning for hope and courage.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, my name's Nicole. I've started this exciting new podcast called At the Cross and I am going to have a text below where you can give me your feedback if you have prayer requests or other subjects that you would like to talk about. So your opinion is very crucial in this being successful and please share it with people that you know in this being successful, and please share it with people that you know. As the new year starts, we're going to be talking about joy, finding joy in tough situations, and that is hard. I think all of us right now can sit and think about something that is emotional or something that has hurt us this season or that we're walking through now and asking God how are we going to get through this? Because I see no way of this turning in my direction or in my favor. And it's hard because, as Christians, we believe the word of God, but there's times that we doubt it, when we feel true pain, pain from other people, pain from disappointment, pain from maybe we've made bad decisions and we're living with guilt, and so finding joy when you're in that situation and the situation is unfortunate is very difficult, and I think sometimes we listen too much to our inner thoughts, which then turns us to negativity, and that is something, as Christians, we're going to have to work on. Scripture says in Philippians 2, 1 through 2,. Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and one in mind. So when I sit back and I think about that and say that you have someone that is attacking you, or a spouse that has disappointed you, or a job promotion that you didn't get, and you've been working really hard for all year, we are putting our expectations and we're putting our joy, we're putting our happiness in that one item, that one person, that one experience. And what we have to remember is is that God puts us in places in a time in our life if they're rejoice times or if it's times of sorrow, to build our character to something bigger and better that he has for us planned, and the devil comes in, gives us the negative thoughts, we become human, we become negative, and then we stop thinking and loving and being like-minded. As Christ and as Christians, we need to come together and have people in our lives that can give us wife's counsel but also can redirect us. When the human side of us comes out.

Speaker 1:

I can be very negative at times. I can look at things and I can see a situation, and I do have a situation in my life now that is out of control with my husband and I, and we've given it to God and, to be honest, we haven't seen any changes in it, and it's disappointing, day after day after day, and you constantly ask God what am I doing wrong? What are we not doing? Why is this not changing? This is what you promised, this is what you're telling me, and that's exactly what the devil wants me to say.

Speaker 1:

So I was listening the other day on the radio and a great pastor said sometimes we have to get out of our own mind and go back to the word of God, and that's what this scripture in Philippians is talking about is that, even though in our circumstance this is creating pain, this is creating a disappointment, we have to keep our eyes and ears focused on God, the God who climbed the cross, the God who gave his life for us, and remember those times of good instead of us always remembering the negativity. Misery loves company and it's real easy for us to go back to that way versus trying to stay positive in a negative way. Another thing that I'm reminded of is when I find joy is when I follow Christ. So when I'm doing my own thing and I'm thinking my own negative way, that's not going to get me anywhere. When I have things going great in life and I'm selling 99 and I think I'm all that and I don't need God anymore, and I think I'm all that and I don't need God anymore, that's when God says uh-uh, remember. And he brings me down and that is where I have found myself telling him thank you. It's like how we love our children. You know, we give our children a little bit. They take a mile. We have to reel them back in, and those are things in our walk and in that time of when we're not seeing any sort of change that we have to remember.

Speaker 1:

God is molding us for something more than we can see. He is a loving God, he is a caring God, he is a God that has so much for us that we can't even fathom and that, at times when we can't see that, we have to remember that this is a man who walked on the cross. He could have at any point said I don't want to do this. He wasn't drug. He did it for us and that is a pure love. So when you're getting negativity in your mind or your situation isn't changing, you're human. Just remember that. Don't beat yourself up. All Christians do this. We just got to get centered back to God. There's a video of this young girl talking about the love of God, and I want us to take a second and just listen to the pureness of this little girl's heart and as we're listening to it, I want us to ask ourselves where is our inner child? So let's take a second and listen to this sweet little girl talk about God's love.

Speaker 2:

Can you have the joy in your heart, the joy of God and Jesus in your heart, and you have the spirit of God and Jesus in your heart. God answers prayers because he loves you more than anything in his world. Even if you're being naughty, even when you make a mistake, he always forgives you. When people love you, it means a lot to God, and when people love everybody in the world, it means a lot to God too. And if no one really knows what you're doing, join them into the game if they ask, because it might be a fun game and you never know.

Speaker 1:

So there we go the love of God. A child can get it. What happened to us? What disappointments and pain and fears in life and scars and hardships had us forget our inner child? We need to look at our circumstances differently. We need to remember that God is the Alpha and the Omega, the King of all Kings. Let's stop listening to ourselves and let's start listening to God's promises. Thank you so much for joining. I'm super excited about this journey and I need your prayers that this can get out and that this can touch people and that God himself gets all the glory. Remember, brothers and sisters, that we have to be the light in the darkness. We have to not be afraid to rejoice and speak about God. We have to wear it like a t-shirt, proudly, and the world is trying to keep us quiet and it's time for us to stand up. It's time for us to speak and it's time for us to be bold.